I made the mistake of looking at pictures of thyroidectomies online and this scene was the first thing that popped into my mind. I was probably five when this movie came out, but apparently it stuck with me. I'm not sure why, but I'm mildly freaked out about this surgery which you wouldn't think would be the case for someone who has already been under the knife three times.
I had my first surgery back in 2005 for endometriosis. I was anxious then, too, until a coworker said something very wise: There is no way you could be in more pain after surgery than you are right now. He was right. Now, though, there's no pain. There is only this vague feeling of unwellness and a slightly puffy neck.
I think one of the things that bothers me is that I will have to be in the hospital overnight. With my other surgeries I always made a point of getting out of the recovery room and into the car as quickly as possible. Having a surgery that requires me to stay overnight feels like things are more serious.
The other thing is that this will be the first surgery where I can't hide the scars. I've got a lot of scars both from surgeries and from being a rough-and-tumble kid growing up. It's not that I'm vain or anything, but it'll be out there for the whole world to see.
Two weeks and counting...
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