This time I don't have a choice. The overnight stay is mandatory so they can make sure that I'm doing certain things, like breathing and swallowing, which I suppose are important. The tough thing is that I won't know when my surgery will be until the day before. If it's early in the morning I can expect to possibly be awake in the evening and in the morning but if they don't start until later afternoon I'll probably sleep through most of my stay. I've started a tentative packing list based off some internet research.
What to Pack for the Hospital - Before Surgery
- Food/Water - I won't be allowed to eat starting the night before, but whoever is with me is more than likely to get hungry. I'm also allowed to drink water up to two hours before the surgery so depending on when the surgery is it's better to bring our own rather than pay for expensive and crappy tasting hospital food.
- Entertainment - Even when you have a surgery time, that's sort of the minimum time before the surgery starts and you have to be there at least an hour before your surgery time. The later you're scheduled in the day, the more likely your surgery is to start late. For my second surgery I waited 2 hours past my surgery time. It takes about 10 minutes to read every "good" waiting room magazine so it's best to bring your own entertainment. In my case I'll have my phone and probably my Nintendo DS with DragonQuest IX because I never finished it.
- Photo ID - You can't get registered without it. If I had health insurance I'd bring that card, too, but the wallet stays at home with all the credit cards, etc.
- Surgery Ticket - This is a slip of paper they give when you sign up for surgery that has all of your information in one place. It's not necessary but it makes the process go faster.
- Durable Power of Attorney - Right now, if I'm unconscious no one has the right to make decisions about my medical care because I'm not married and my "next of kin" live out of state. The durable power of attorney will give my boyfriend the right to make decisions about what happens if I end up in a coma, brain damaged, with massive organ failure, etc. It's not a conversation you really want to have with anyone but we've talked about how long I'd be willing to stay hooked up to machines and what happens if the worst happens.
What to Pack for the Hospital - Overnight
- Nightshirts, (2) - The spare is in case of accidents which sounds like something I would do. Long shirts will protect my dignity better than a hospital gown and be less fussy than a set of pajamas. When you're just recently anesthetized and in a lot of pain it's like dressing a giant toddler.
- Undies - I may not be allowed to wear them (depending on what state I'm in coming out of surgery) but nothing says "awkward" like wandering around a hospital full of people with nothing on under your gown. I was a girl scout (very briefly) and I'm pretty sure extra pairs of clean underwear fall under the edict to always be prepared.
- Warm socks - The hospital will undoubtedly give me a pair of ugly grey socks with rubberized paint on the bottom before heading into surgery, but they're not super warm and overnight hospitals aren't cozy.
- A real pillow - I learned when I was volunteering in the Urgent Care at Group Health that good hospital pillows are hard to come by. The ones they have are either covered in a plastic bag (which you can imagine what that sounds like every time you move your head) or rubber coated which doesn't exactly bring cuddly time to mind for me. That being said, I'm not sure how I feel about bringing my best pillows to the hospital so they can get MRSA rubbed all over them. I might need a pillow that can go in a hot water bath when it gets home.
- A throw blanket - Because in my observations, they basically give you several thick sheets and call it bedding, with no real blankets. The hospital's solution to cold patients is to warm up some of these thick sheets and place them on top but eventually you start to look swaddled and it is uncomfortable because you can't move around.
- A robe - I don't know what my accommodations will be like but I'm guessing being rather on the poor side of society at the moment that I'll be sharing a room with other people and may have to walk a ways to find a bathroom so it's a good idea just to be prepared to be out in the cold.
- Rubber soled slippers - For the above same reason. Slip on shoes that are less likely to result in my accidental injury on freshly waxed floors.
- Various Electronics & Cords - I'm planning on keeping my phone with me overnight for communication/entertainment and so I can plug in my headphones and drown out any obnoxious neighbors. Since there won't be anyone with me overnight any other valuable things will go home with my boyfriend so they won't be at risk of getting stolen..
- A paperback book - "In my day, television was called 'books'..." I will not say I wouldn't be miffed if someone stole a book from me, but I can afford to replace a book. I can't afford to replace any of my other electronics so this is the safest bet for textual entertainment. I'm also realistic enough to know that mostly what I'll want to do for the first 24-48 hours is sleep as uninterrupted as possible so arranging for my entertainment might be unnecessary.
What to Pack for the Hospital - Next Day
- Toiletries- I have a ton of mini toiletries from going to a wedding earlier this year so I'll be bringing all the tiny soaps/shampoo/body wash etc. in hopes that I'll feel well enough to get up and shower. I'll also be packing toothpaste and a toothbrush because that will be happening even if I have to swish with a hospital cup and spit into a plastic urinal. There will also be a the other random stuff: hairbrush, lip balm, washcloth for my face, lotion, deodorant etc. Whatever I normally use in the morning when getting ready.
- Clothes to go home in - Even though the surgery will be in my neck instead of my pelvis this time, I still plan on packing loose, uncomplicated clothing that can all be easily slipped on with a minimum of neck tugging. This includes sweat pants, a wide necked shirt, underthings, and slip on shoes.
- Snacks - Since who knows if/when they'll feed me during the day while I'm waiting to be discharged. I'll have to see what I can find that will be soft enough to swallow but not need refrigeration. I'll probably also pack something for my boyfriend since he is perpetually hungry.
- Medications - If at all possible, I'm going to try to fill any prescriptions I need before leaving the hospital. Most hospitals have a pharmacy within them and the last thing you want to do on your way home is stop at Target and wait in line for 15 minutes while you're in pain.
So, that's my list! Later today I'm going grocery shopping for snacks for the hospital and also so I can cook a bunch of homemade pureed soup tomorrow for me to have for the few days after I get home. That way my boyfriend will only have to nuke a bowl in the microwave. I can't believe it's Monday already! Four more days to go.
sounds like you are pretty well prepared.
Good list. I think time in the hospital goes by quickly because you sleep a good deal. Well, I sleep a good deal. It takes me a long time to throw off the anaesthetic.
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